상단 본문

Eight precious jade food

페이지 정보

작성자 ashley
댓글 0건 조회 238회 작성일 23-02-27 10:00


The most important thing is that she is a stubborn person, but once decided, it is bound to stick to it. These days, she spent a lot of money and effort for Wen Shao's affairs. She had a little savings, but now she has spent it all. Standing in this room less than ten square meters, without even a window, I looked at the simple single bed and the rough table. There was still half a bowl of pickles and a steamed bun on the table. Lu Hongying saw almost at a glance that she was actually at the end of her tether. Even so, the girl wrote a lot of big-character posters on the table. The finished paper was laid out on the bed and spread out to dry. Lu Hongying glanced twice, knowing that she was going to continue to sue, and that she was going to go to the newspaper office to cry out for injustice. God knows, Wen Shao that person mixed up like that, what injustice to speak of? This girl is the only one who thinks he is wronged. I don't think she has a big belly, and it's no good for the child to continue running around. Unfortunately, this girl is so determined. Looking at her like this, it seems that she wants to get Wen Shao out no matter what. By this time, Lu Hongying finally understood why Wen Shao,lamella clarifer, a person who could not see others in his eyes and only wanted to be happy, would want to let her go. I can't let it go. This girl is going to kill herself. Thinking of this, Lu Hongying could not help sighing. Soon he told the girl what he had come for. Moreover, he told her very seriously that Wen Shao did not mean that to her, nor did he intend to marry her. But it's just for fun. There are a lot of beautiful women around Wen Shao, and they don't like her bowl of congee and side dishes. What's more,lamella tube, now that Wen Shao has had an accident, he wants her to beat the child and go back to her hometown to live honestly. The girl's face turned white when she heard such cruel words. She hung her head slightly and said nothing. In the end, Lu Hongying was somewhat dispirited. Finally, had to slow down the tone to persuade her: "Sister, this is a new era, women do not have from one to the end of that statement.". You don't have to hang yourself on Wen Shao's rotten peach tree. After Wen Shao's accident, you helped him a lot and did your best. I still advise you to stop this idea as soon as possible. After all, you can't help her if you go on like this. The girl bit her lip. After a while, she raised her head and looked at Lu Hongying with her big swarthy eyes. She pleaded, "Elder brother, does that mean you can lend me some money first?"? You can rest assured that when I give birth to a child and find a job, Dissolved Gas Flotation ,disc air diffuser, I will pay you back. When Lu Hongying heard this, he couldn't help sighing. It took him a long time to talk, and it was all in vain. The girl is going to continue to sue. Really no way, Lu Hongying had to change a way, continue to persuade her: "Sister, Wen Shao this is actually not a big deal.". Even if you don't complain, he will be released in a year and a half. But if you go on like this, your body will collapse. What can you do with the baby in your belly? If you don't want him, I'll get you into surgery. If you want to have children, take care of yourself first. Look how haggard you are? Do you have to suffer with an unborn child. If there is any physical problem after the birth of the child, what can you do at that time? If you want to complain, you can't complain for a while and a half. You can wait for you to give birth to a child and then complain. When Lu Hongying talked about the child, the girl could not help but turn red in her eyes and hold her stomach tightly. I can see that she really wants to have children. Although a little guilty of deceiving ignorant girls, Lu Hongying still used all kinds of means of making friends with business over the years. Finally, the girl was persuaded to promise to have a good baby first. Now that the girl had agreed, Lu Hongying naturally could not let her live in such a place and eat steamed buns and pickles. So he decided to take her away first and live in another place. As it happens, the girl has been working alone for so long that there is no one to help her. Since Lu Hongying was found by Wen Shao, she could only choose to believe him at this time. So without saying a word, he began to pack his luggage. In the face of such a simple and kind, but some stubborn girl. Lu Hongying was suddenly full of frustration. He said in his heart that Wen Shao had really committed a great sin.
Not to mention playing with other people's feelings, look at the harm to this girl. In fact, the girl had nothing superfluous, so she hastily packed up a few things, wrapped a bundle, and prepared to set out with Lu Hongying. She also wanted to take the steamed bread and pickles, but Lu Hongying stopped her. Along the way, Lu Hongying also had no time to think, directly pulled the girl to Xie San's home. When he arrived, Xie San was not at home. So Lu Hongying had to take the girl to sit and rest in the outer courtyard. The courtyard was full of pastry chefs who came out and went in, and there were a lot of people. After a while, the rumor that Lu Hongying was pregnant with a country girl and even had a son spread in the Xie family. Even the old lady in the inner courtyard came out to scold Lu Hongying: "Da Yingzi, what's the matter with you?"? Didn't we agree to wait for Wei Wei? You are a two-faced person. You talk big in front of others like you don't want money. You also hook up with a daughter-in-law behind someone's back. What's the matter? Your little daughter-in-law is about to give birth. You finally can't help but decide to talk to us, right? I can quickly call Xiao Dong, let her contact Wei Wei as soon as possible, let Wei Wei quickly find someone to marry in France. Don't wait any longer for you. You're not worth it. As soon as Lu Hongying heard this, she became anxious on the spot and said to the old lady, "Old lady,wall penstocks, you misunderstood me. This girl has nothing to do with me.". This is the wife of a friend of mine. Something happened to my friend, so she was temporarily entrusted to my care. How do I know how to take care of a pregnant woman? This is not to send her to you. Only then did the old lady look suspiciously at Lu Hongying and then at the little daughter-in-law with a big belly. Passed a little while, just open a mouth to ask again: "Is that child not yours really?" 。 khnwatertreatment.com


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