상단 본문

Kinkakuji Temple

페이지 정보

작성자 Sobczak
댓글 0건 조회 201회 작성일 23-02-17 12:43


Kinkakuji Temple

She was silent for a long time before she turned around and turned her back in the direction we had come I helped the cypress up Before he was lifted up his body looked very heavy and he was breathing heavily in pain However when he walked on my shoulder his body was unexpectedly light …… I ran to the station in front of Karasuma's garage and jumped on the tram When the tram started heading for Kinkakuji Temple it was not easy for me to catch my breath and my palms were covered with sweat We let the woman go first and I supported the cypress and then just as I was about to get into the side door of the Spanish house a sense of terror came over me I left the cypress and ran Natural Products and Extracts back without looking back He didn't even have time to go back to school by the way so he ran straight away on the quiet sidewalk Along the way it passes through medicine shops dim sum shops electrical appliances shops and other shops At this time purple and red were flashing in front of my eyes I think it was probably because when I ran in front of the Hongde Branch of Tenrikyo I saw rows of lanterns with plum blossoms hanging on the black earth wall and purple curtains with the same plum blossom family emblem walking slowly at the door Where am I rushing to I don't know myself When the tram was about to arrive at Ziye I realized that I was in a hurry to rush to He Jinge! Although it was a weekday it was the tourist season and there were so many tourists in the Golden Pavilion that it was a sea of people The old tour guide looked at me in amazement as I hurried through the crowd to the front of the pavilion In this way I stand in front of the golden pavilion of spring surrounded by flying dust and ugly crowds In the echo of the tour guide's loud introduction the whole pavilion always pretends not to know half-hiding its beauty only the projection on the ground is Han Ming but at first glance it looks like the Buddha surrounded by the Bodhisattvas in the "All Saints Come to Welcome" but the dust clouds are like the golden clouds surrounding the Bodhisattvas and the Golden Pavilion presents a hazy shadow in the flying dust Like faded old paint and worn-out patterns It was not surprising that this mingling and uproar seeped behind the slender pillars that stood and sucked in the white sky that was connected by the small whiskers and the phoenix on their necks which gradually thinned and rose The building only exists here and plays the role of control and restriction The restlessness around him grew more and more intense and the uneven and slender building facing the Shuqing Pool in the west and the Golden Pavilion on the top of the second floor which suddenly became smaller acted more and more like a filter that constantly turned muddy water into clear water The jokes in people's whispers are not rejected by the Golden Pavilion but they are sucked into the beautiful pillars standing and will soon be transformed into a kind of silence a kind of clarity As a result the Golden Pavilion unconsciously completed the same thing on the ground as the unshakable projection on the ground My mood calmed down and the fear gradually subsided For me the so-called beauty must be such a thing It separates me from life and protects me from life I almost prayed "If my life were like Cypress's I would not be able to bear it" China Chemicals Suppliers Please bless me The life that Cypress implies or performs before me has only the same meaning of survival and disillusionment In this kind of life there is a lack of naturalness and structural beauty like the Golden Pavilion It's just a painful spasm so to speak And it is also true that I am totally attracted by it and have my own direction here However the first terrible thing is to have to use the fragments of life full of thorns so that their hands are stained with blood Cypress disdains instinct and reason in equal measure His existence itself like a ball of strange shape collides everywhere trying to break through the wall of reality This is not an act In a word the life he implies is a dangerous farce to break the reality that deceives us with the disguise of seeking knowledge and to clean up a world that no longer contains any unknown Why is that Because then I saw the following poster in his apartment This is a beautiful lithograph printed by the Japan Travel Association The picture shows the Japanese Alps On the top of the white mountain under the Agrochemicals blue sky it is printed with the words "Call you to the unknown world!" A few words
In this row of collated words and hilltops Cypress made a diagonal cross with a red pen trying to erase it with one stroke and scrawled beside it "The so-called unknown life is really unbearable" The handwriting of these dragons and phoenixes immediately reminded people of the way he walked with his X-shaped legs The next day I went to school but I was still thinking about Cypress's body In retrospect I think it was a friendship-oriented act to leave him and run back at that time and I don't feel responsible but if I can't see him in the classroom today that's I couldn't help feeling a surge of uneasiness When it was almost time for class I saw Cypress walk into the classroom with his shoulders hunched unnaturally as usual During the break I immediately grabbed Cypress's arm For me this kind of happy action is a rare act He smiled askew and accompanied me to the corridor Is your injury all right "What injury" …… Cypress looked at me with a pitying smile "When did I get hurt" Uh What are you talking about Did you dream that I was hurt I can't keep up the conversation While I was anxious Cypress revealed the secret and said "That's acting" I don't know how many times I practiced falling like this on that road It looked like I had broken a bone In fact it was an elaborate performance I skillfully pretended to fall badly The woman turned a blind eye and tried to brush past This is beyond my expectation But you see she has begun to fall in love with me No it should be said that she has begun to fall in love with my x-shaped legs The guy put iodine on my leg himself As he spoke he called up his trousers and let me look at the calves painted with pale yellow globalchemmall.com


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