상단 본문

Eastern Hellfire

페이지 정보

작성자 Michae
댓글 0건 조회 186회 작성일 23-02-15 10:19


"Yes, I know, and I know what it is that has been summoned, for that which has been summoned has come to me." Chen Zhen's answer caused a fine layer of sweat to appear on the doors of several people. A guy from the depths of the universe, came all the way to this place, just to find Chen Zhen? No one will believe that these guys came all the way here just to chat and drink tea with Chen Zhenlai, will they? "What are those things you're talking about?" Blue asked anxiously. No wonder Lan was worried, because when the United States informed the Chinese side of the whole incident, it also said something that made everyone feel a little difficult, that is, many aliens around the world are now queuing up at the space window in the United States, and their purpose is to escape. What makes these aliens so afraid? "Cosmic Crusade." Chen Zhen said a very strange name. Cosmic Crusade? What is that thing? Liu Bin asked strangely. Chen Zhen did not continue to answer, but looked at the blue, after all, the next thing to say is not what ordinary people should know. Doesn't matter. Liu Bin's rank is enough to know about this. Lan said to Chen Zhen. Cosmic Crusade is not a thing, but an organization, a collective radical who believes in the God of the universe. Chen Zhen said lightly. That's all? Blue doesn't believe that just a bunch of radicals can scare off so many people from all over the planet. There are a lot of them. Chen Zhen added one point. How many "Just more than four galaxies are under absolute control." Chen Zhen's words made everyone a little dull. Anyone familiar with space knows that in any other plane, not to mention controlling four galaxies, even controlling the whole plane is not a very difficult thing. But not on the plane of matter. Because any power beyond this bit is not allowed, this is a supreme rule above all rules,Theobromine Powder, and it cannot be changed. Can not be destroyed, even Chen Zhen can not. To be able to conquer four galaxies in this plane, there is no need to consider their military power at all, but now to consider how to let the whole world take refuge. If this place is not the Earth, but some other region, such as Mars. So if we use the power of the guardian gods of all countries in the world, as long as more than half of the powerful gods agree, then we can throw the whole Mars into the sanctuary of the astral world, which is enough to avoid outside attacks, and will not cause human panic, D BHB Factory ,Berberine Hydrochloride Factory, anyway, human space technology has not yet reached the level of universal space travel. But the earth is not good, the position of the earth is too special, his existence is not only as simple as existence. There are more important implications in it. They believe in the principle that there is only one God in the whole universe, and use their superb technology to create biological warships so that they will not grow old even if they sail for thousands of years. As long as they find any area where intelligent creatures exist, they will immediately conquer it by force. And force them to believe in the God of the universe. But as far as I know, the God of the universe they believe in may not exist at all. Chen Zhen went on to say. How do you know that? Although Chen Zhen is usually already very mysterious, until this time, the blue only then knew Chen Zhen is more mysterious. Landi's real age is more than five thousand years old, but he has never heard of any news about the cosmic crusade, and Chen Zhen seems to have been (back) three hundred Tang poems to recite the data, giving people a very incredible feeling. I've seen them before. Chen Zhen answered honestly. Have you? Have you ever done anything to make those narrow-minded people hate you? Blue suddenly thought of the cosmic crusade is actually looking for Chen Zhen, Chen Zhen should be the culprit. It was just an accident. When I was passing through an unmanned planet belt, the fire completely destroyed their space laboratory. In the laboratory, they found the land from the depths of the universe, and the primitive Tyranid biological embryos used to evolve into space warships disappeared in the disaster.
So their biotechnology has been stagnating, and they think it's my fault. For Chen Zhen's ability, these have been estimated to a great extent, but it is still underestimated, everyone knows that this cosmic crusade is far from knowing where. The feedback information is also refracted through space, that is to say, Chen Zhen can not only carry out space navigation. It can also make a transition in space. Is there anything in this world you can't do? Blue suddenly asked such a sentence at this time. Yes, a lot. Chen Zhen said very seriously. For example, I don't have any idea about cooking and children's education. Chen Zhen said. It's a good thing Big Brother didn't come, otherwise there might be another fight. This is the common idea in the hearts of blue and purple. A moment ago you mentioned something called the embryo of Tyranid, what is that? It is estimated that this embryo is also a very important thing that can make the technology of such a powerful cosmic crusade not enter the temple for a long time. It may even be the key to being able to invade the other side. Blue needs to ask clearly. Tyranid is the race of a creature, or the name of a creature, or the code name of a unit. It is impossible to describe its essential existence in the current language, but the code name in the avoidance manual of cosmic creatures should be SSAOOZ. Chen Zhen said. With the code name, you can look for it when you go back. Although it seems that the position of the code name is very forward, which directly shows the danger of this creature, it is not without more powerful ones in front of it. After all, it is also a big monster for many years,Quercetin Dihydrate Manufacturer, and several people are not very concerned about it. So, according to your understanding of them, how dangerous are we now? 。 pioneer-biotech.com


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